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Dec 15
hi everyone, hope your all okay. I’m just looking for any tips to help me get through loneliness. I left my friendship group a while ago because they just weren’t good friends and now i’m SO lonely i just keep breaking into tears. I have a bf and i love him but sometimes my emotions make me feel like a bad girlfriend. He has loads of friends so makes plans with them but i don’t have anyone at all. I genuinely scroll on snap looking for anyone to message and there’s no one. please help i don’t know what to do and i don’t want to ruin my relationship with him
Dec 15
Are you looking for new friends to meet? Because it could be a good idea to join a local club to meet people or use a friendship app (not snap)!
Dec 15
Do you have the Bumble app? I believe there is a friend section—so you would make a profile to meet new friends in your area! Give it a try!!

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