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Feb 7
Do you not get periods on the minipill? Is it a 100% guaranteed? Also how does that work? If you don't get periods on it, I'll switch to those right away.
Feb 7
Breakthrough bleeding is always an option for birth control.
Feb 7
I had a “normal" mini pill, but it was mainly for the pain. For many you need to take a break for seven days, but you get your period through that time. I currently have an other kind of mini pill that I can through so I shouldn’t get a period, but it does happen that you can bleed through. You should discuss this with your gynecologist anyway, they can inform you more on it.
Feb 7
@Void mini pills don’t have breaks, you’re talking about combined pills.
Feb 7
Yes while on the mini pill you don’t get a period still a chance of breakthrough bleeding.
Feb 7
No it's not guaranteed, it depends on the person. Ideally you don't bleed at all, but some people get semi-regular bleeds and some get irregular bleeding. If you want to skip your period you can first try skipping break weeks on the combined pill.

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