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Jan 21
❌❌❌❌❌ Hi everyone, I’m absolutely stressing, I’ve been having some pain down there and I’ve had a look with a mirror and saw about 3 small sores, 2 at the very top and one near the opening. I’m panicking that’s it’s herpes and am terrified to go to a doctor 😖 could they just be sores of some sort? Has anybody got advice please 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Jan 21
You might be terrified but it would be best to get it checked out immediately. Your health is super important!!
Jan 21
We really can't diagnose you or tell you anything for sure because we're not doctors, only a doctor who can examine you can give you answers. You'll get the most accurate diagnosis while you still have active sores, so the best way to get your answer is to go now. Otherwise you might never know what you have and that is much worse because you won't know if you're putting your sexual partner's health at risk. Knowledge is power, get a diagnosis.

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