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Mar 16 23
So I’m seeing this guy and he came over to my house and we had sex and my mum has told me my dad heard us. I feel so disgusted and embarrassed of myself. And feel like I can’t talk to my dad because of the embarrassment. My mum told me he wasn’t bothered but felt uncomfortable as do I knowing this now. I just don’t know how to feel or what to do.
Mar 16 23
Just go ahead with your life, sex is normal and you should not feel embarrassed. I can understand it might be a bit uncomfortable for your dad but just be a bit quieter next time.
Mar 16 23
It’s only embarrassing or awkward if you make it embarrassing. He’s grown enough to know what sex sounds like and that you would be doing it at some point, it shouldn’t be a big deal x
Mar 16 23
It's a good thing he wasn't too bothered! Sounds like your dad is relatively accepting. Agree with the others sex isn't something we have to feel disgusted about. Sure it's a little awkward but life includes some awkwardness it's normal

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