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Nov 19 20
possible tw hi i’ve been basically projective vomiting everything i drink/eat for the past 12 hours, i know that nausea is a very common side effect but i wasn’t sure if i should be worried with how much i’m puking. i know with dianette it’s more likely because of the high dosage of estrogen but is this anything i should be worried about? i’ve only been taking it for 2 days so far, this is my third and i wasn’t sure if it really works this quickly or if maybe i’m just sick with something else!! Brand: Diane 35
Nov 19 20
Are you sure you’re not just unwell?
Nov 19 20
i’m not sure, i haven’t ate anything out of the ordinary or even been anywhere since i’m in the uk and we’re in lockdown again but maybe someone else in my family passed something on
Nov 19 20
Sounds like a stomach bug not pill related

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