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Sep 16
Hi! I’m meant to be getting the copper coil fitted on Wednesday and I’m just having a bit of a freak out about it and if it’s the right choice! The thought of it moving scares me and it’s honestly feeling like a really big decision in my head. I’ve had enough of hormones which is why I want to do it I’m just not sure and honestly am very scared! Any advice wud be appreciated
Sep 17
I had it in me for 8 years and absolutely loved it and had no issues until just a couple months ago. One of the arms became embedded in my uterus and the main body of the IUD started to come out of my cervix. The main body was able to be taken out vaginally, but the embedded arm had to be taken out surgically. I don’t want to scare you but that was just my experience and the doctors told me that what happened to me was extremely rare. Besides that, I really loved it until that happened. I had so much peace of mind when having sex and never ever had any pregnancy scares. Now I am on the pill just because for me personally, I decided it was more important for me to feel like I could stop and start it whenever I want and have more control over my own body after that experience. But having the IUD for 8 years is a long time and being protected that whole time really is quite amazing. I would highly recommend taking a pain reliever before getting it inserted. It is quite painful. You’ll experience cramping for maybe a day or two and some spotting. I honestly would make sure to take the next day off of work just in case your cramps are really bad. I regretted not doing that. If you are looking for non hormonal options, the copper IUD really is the best option in my opinion, despite dealing with my crazy situation. Wishing you the best!
Sep 17
@piNKBUBBLEZ Thankyou for sharing :)

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