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Feb 18
Hi everyone. It’s been somewhat 7 months since we met. Now we are still in relationship. Long distance one. It’s getting hard for me. I feel like we have been changing, which I can accept. But this couple of months. Things are changing. My boyfriend somehow started to get on my nerves. I don’t get mad at him or anything, just feel upset deep inside. I feel like we are changing, and he’s changing too fast. And probably maturing more than I do. I feel like I am still in the same life, trying to be happy. But he’s progressing. Yesterday, I “accidentally” saw he liked a post on instagram. And it was a little heartbreaking for me. But I talked to him about it, and he said he thinks its funny. I said what is funny.. anyway, at the end, it was my fault because I misunderstood the whole situation. And tonight, he added me on my personal personal instagram(no followers) that he knows about, I told him about it. I made him friend for some minutes before removing him because I felt like it was my privacy. I post pictures of memories with some captions, just for myself there. Sorry, so.. he was behaving weirdly with me when we got in a call after his work. In my point of view, it was full of sarcasms, and everything. But I also try my best to not feel that way. Because maybe he was just being honest. I don’t know how to interpret that whole conversation.
Feb 18
Why was seeing a post he liked heartbreaking? What was the post like?
Feb 18
@bluerose9 and the song is all the good girls go to hell. But I misunderstood I guess what he thought when he liked the post.
Feb 18
I honestly have no idea what that means I can’t lie
Feb 18
But sounds like you have deeper issues than a like on a random instagram post. What has been changing? You shouldn’t be that different from 7 months ago. You say you can accept these changes but everything else you say clearly indicates that you’re struggling with some or all of these changes in some way, so I am confused.. In what way is he progressing? If you’re uncomfortable then just make the account private and accept no followers? It sounds like you don’t know how to communicate with your boyfriend. Is there a reason why you can’t just ask him “what did you mean exactly when you said xyz on our call this evening? I’m not sure what you meant”?
Feb 18
And what do you mean by you “accidentally” saw the post he liked? You were looking for something or you actually accidentally saw he liked it?
Feb 18
Kind of sounds like you have some stuff you need to work through. In my opinion your boyfriends behaviour seems very normal
Feb 18
I don’t see anything wrong with that post..?
Feb 18
I in no way mean to be rude, but I think you’re operating out of the defense. I think any little thing he does is going to bother you or seem more intentionally malicious than it really is. You did say he is getting on your nerves.

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