Hi everyone.
It’s been somewhat 7 months since we met. Now we are still in relationship. Long distance one.
It’s getting hard for me. I feel like we have been changing, which I can accept.
But this couple of months. Things are changing. My boyfriend somehow started to get on my nerves. I don’t get mad at him or anything, just feel upset deep inside.
I feel like we are changing, and he’s changing too fast. And probably maturing more than I do.
I feel like I am still in the same life, trying to be happy. But he’s progressing.
Yesterday, I “accidentally” saw he liked a post on instagram. And it was a little heartbreaking for me. But I talked to him about it, and he said he thinks its funny. I said what is funny.. anyway, at the end, it was my fault because I misunderstood the whole situation.
And tonight, he added me on my personal personal instagram(no followers) that he knows about, I told him about it. I made him friend for some minutes before removing him because I felt like it was my privacy. I post pictures of memories with some captions, just for myself there.
Sorry, so.. he was behaving weirdly with me when we got in a call after his work. In my point of view, it was full of sarcasms, and everything. But I also try my best to not feel that way. Because maybe he was just being honest. I don’t know how to interpret that whole conversation.