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Jul 9
I missed my birth control pills for two days in a row but I took a plan b on the second day I missed it. Do you think I will get pregnant? 💊🔶💊💊💊💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊❌❌⚠️⚠️💊💊💊⚠️
Jul 9
how many pills into your pack were you when you missed two pills?
Jul 9
Why did you take plan B exactly? If your log is correct it was unnecessary.
Jul 9
I was 9 days into the pack when I missed the pills. I took the plan b for extra precautions and I had unprotected sex after I missed my pills.
Jul 9
@idk456 then you could have counted it as a 2 day break as you had already taken a minimum of 7 pills correctly before missing the 2. It wouldn’t have affected your protection. The plan B was unnecessary. For the future: Please don’t take plan B as a “just in case”, do the research and use condoms or abstain if you’re unsure rather than falling back on plan B. Plan B is a lot less effective than proper protection. Plan B has a massive amount of hormones and taking that will affect your body for weeks or even months. It should only be used in emergencies.

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