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Jul 15
i’m a teenager new to the pill, i cant really speak to my parents about this however i was wondering if anyone had any advice. Brand: Rigevidon
Jul 15
Take the pill at the same time every day to maintain its effectiveness. Read the instructions that come with the medication carefully and follow them closely. If you have any questions or concerns about the pill, don't hesitate to reach out to a healthcare provider or a trusted adult for guidance. Keep track of any side effects you may experience and discuss them with a healthcare provider if needed
Jul 15
•take the pill daily at around the same time every day, this will minimize the chance of missing a pill. •read your pamphlet to understand how it works to protect you from pregnancy •expect heightened side effects the first few months of being on the pill •know what to do if you miss a pill •know what can cause your pill to be less effective •don’t go condomless unless you and your partner are sexually exclusive and have both been fully tested for STIs - in general I wouldn’t recommend condomless until you’ve been on the pill for at least a few months, because then you will be in a consistent routine of taking it, and realistically if you are at a place in your life where a pregnancy would derail your plans or cause major stress, it’s never a bad idea to continue using condoms.
Jul 15
Read these posts and pay close attention to the extra resources in the comments. 01 {FpHA9EN6E} 02 {RpHA9ENIE} Use condoms until you can convince yourself by answering your own questions with your own knowledge.
Jul 15
In general the pamphlet that comes with your pill can answer most of your questions, so make sure to read through it and keep it. Here's some links you may find helpful. There's info on what makes the pill less effective, how to take it correctly, usage windows and more. Hope this helps. 🔴General info: What can make the pill less effective? {w28A9ENq7} {L28A9ENLn} Why you should trust the pill (if you take it correctly) {1x8A9ENAO} Info for new birth control users: {fx8A9ENEk} Difference between typical and perfect use: {Ex8A9ENhX} If you're having a pregnancy scare: {308A9ENio} You're not pregnant but think you are: {n08A9ENx6} Why am I so scared of pregnancy? {d08A9ENoZ} Why even virgins should get tested: {b08A9EN41} Which birth control method is the best? {wx8A9ENWw} Info about types emergency contraception: {f58A9ENfe} Antibiotics & Birth Control {C58A9ENTw} Which antibiotics lessen the pills efficacy/why: {b58A9EN5v} How to properly use condoms, and why it's important: {r08A9EN7j} Reliable online pharmacies for low cost contraception/and states where it's available {W08A9ENxl} Info on orgasms and sexuality: {L58A9EN27} Issues with sexual compatibility w/partner: {9N8A9ENLc} Resources regarding domestic violence, sexual assault, and sexual harassment (alphabetical by country): {eN8A9ENvG} 🔴For the combined pill: Does a withdrawal bleed mean you're not pregnant? {gN8A9ENtr} Withdrawal bleeding vs. menstrual periods: {LN8A9ENLB} How many combined pills are necessary to stop ovulation? {008A9ENvk} How the combined pill works: {F08A9ENap}

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