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Feb 8
what are your thoughts of your partner watching porn? What about if they hide it from you because they dont know how you’ll react?
Feb 8
Personally don’t care, I do too the odd time. Feeling like you need to hide something from your partner because you’re worried about their reaction is a bigger issue than porn.
Feb 8
^same! I don't see anything wrong with watching porn or masturbating while in a relationship. In fact I think it's healthy! As long as it doesn't negatively the relationship or your sex life.
Feb 8
I personally wouldn’t be okay with it and I would see it as breaking trust by hiding it from me, I probably would end things. I think it’s immature that ur partner is hiding porn instead of having a conversation with you about if it bothers you or not. I think it depends on what ur relationship boundaries are and what YOU consider cheating and what you aren’t okay with.
Feb 8
I don’t really care. I watch porn. We are pretty open with what we do, so it would be weird if he hid it.
Feb 8
I think it’s completely normal! I watch it more than my partner. If you think he’s hiding it from you, you can have an honest and open conversation saying you do or don’t have a problem with it and that you’d like him to be open with you!
Feb 8
I don’t have any issue w it and I don’t think it’s something you can be upset about unless you’ve had an explicit conversation about it. I also think it’s pretty normal to watch porn “in secret” like private browsing, only when you’re alone, etc. I’m sure my partner watches porn sometimes (as do I) but we never tell each other when we do or anything..
Feb 8
I think it is normal and fine. I wouldn’t really care if they hid it per say unless they were lying about it, like if I asked and they said they dont watch it but really do. but if we had just never talked about it and he just never said he does watch it, i wouldnt care. its a personal thing
Feb 8
my partner and I watch porn, sometimes we watch it together. No issues with any of it unless it’s illegal porn but we obviously don’t do that. Just have an open conversation and establish boundaries if needed
Feb 8
personally i’m not a fan of watching porn nor do i like it when my partner does, but we have established these boundaries during the first few months of our relationship. so in my case, it’d be pretty upsetting if he were to hide it. however, if you are okay with both of you watching porn - that’s totally okay too. if you aren’t, and you have made this explicit, i would try to start an open and honest conversation as to why they felt the need to hide it.

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