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Sep 21 19
Has anyone ever passed out when it was time for your period? 💊💊💊⚠️💊🍭🍭💊💊⚠️💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊⏱ Brand: Lo Loestrin Fe (LoLo)
Sep 21 19
When I was anemic and didn’t know, it was a common occurrence yes. But it definitely isn’t normal
Sep 21 19
Sep 21 19
It’s never happened to me before. I’m not sure if it’s because of my period or what. I have passed out twice before but for different reasons. But yesterday I passed out. At dunkin. With someone from my class. It was very embarrassing
Sep 21 19
About 3 years ago my cramps used to be so bad that id feel like i was about to pass out constantly the first two days of my periods, but i never actually passed out
Sep 21 19
Go and get a blood test done, it’ll be able to see if anything is wrong
Sep 21 19
I get really bad cramps and begin to feel nauseous on my periods and tend to pass out due to the amount of pain
Sep 21 19
When i was in middle and high school, i would be really bad cramping that it made me so weak and I almost passed out a couple of times. My vision would get fuzzy and white and my hearing would fade away, which is a sign of passing out. I hate those times. I would trow up every time my periods comes. Like i HAD to throw up to feel better
Sep 21 19
It’s never happened to me before. I haven’t had a period since March and suddenly I pass out and my period comes

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