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Mar 26 20
hey all, i changed my pill from levest to mercilon and it’s recommended to not have a break week when changing which i did and am currently 19 days into mercilon but i have been bleeding nonstop since day 1 of the new pill and is now turning into more of a heavy discharge (probs tmi but enough to have to wear a pad everyday) - something i have never experienced. is it normal to bleed for this long and have a lot more discharge? ⚠️💊💊⚠️💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊⚠️💊💊⚠️ Brand: Mercilon
Mar 26 20
Yes unfortunately they are normal side effects
Mar 26 20
Yeah I’ve been bleeding on and off since I changed my pill 2 months ago. There’s an adjustment period of 3-6 months

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