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Jul 10 19
I need help ASAP I’m going on a holiday to magaluf at the end of August and I looked at my app to see when I was getting my period and I get it the week I’m there, I’m on microlite but everytime I skip my period I get it for 2 weeks straight so I don’t know what to do
Jul 10 19
I think it’s not worth messing up your cycle for that. I went to Nepal for a humanitarian trip with my class and because the hygiene conditions were awful I preferred to skip my period and start a new pack straight away. I take Belara pills but I ended up getting my period for three weeks after and I’m still waiting for it to stop. And my doctor says if it doesn’t stop soon I need to change pills because sometimes it messes up your hormones so bad that you need to change brand. I think you just come prepared. I mean magaluf is magaluf and you’ll probably be drinking a lot and living your best life hahaha but hygiene over there must be disgusting so just bring lots of tampons and pads and take lake little hygiene wipes and disinfectant wipes for the toilets over there and you’ll be fine!

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