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Mar 23 20
Just found out that I’ve got clymeida AND gonorreah. I feel sick & I feel like even though I will of got it treated, it will put boys off knowing I have had it in the past if I feel I want to be honest & tel them about it.
Mar 23 20
Don’t stress about it, it happens to a lot of people just learn from this and stay safe next time. Also it’s none of their business if you’ve had these in the past, as long as you’re negative for it when you sleep with them it’s fine x
Mar 23 20
Once you know for sure you’re negative that isn’t something you need to disclose. They’re both fully treatable, they will be in the past.
Mar 23 20
Once you’ve been treated and tested negative for it you don’t need to tell anyone you don’t want to tell. Like @schwa it would be in the past. It isn’t like you have to tell everyone you sleep with your medical history like “yeah once I had strep throat.” All they need to know is your CURRENT STI status.
Mar 23 20
Thanks guys 💕

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