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Jul 10 19
My boyfriend gets a type of way when im not feeling *in the mood*. For example, he'll ask for nudes but it feels like im just taking a pic and leaving it at that. Or sometimes when he wants sex ill just try my best to be present and enjoy it. I dont want my love for him i die. And hes afraid that ill stop being attracted to him when in reality i crave more innocent acts. Dont get me wrong, i still like it when we do stuff and heck he knows i can be freaky, but there's a time and a place, right? And lose of sex drive is a common thing.. right??? Idk how to go about this. We've had conversations before but they dont really have a solution. Im just curious to see what yalls opinions are about this very strange situation. Thanks you!
Jul 10 19
Being in a ldr, our solution for being able to have physical intimacy is sending nudes right. And there would be times he’d complain of me not doing it when he asked or not sending enough. And just like you we talked and it felt like there was no solution. Recently it happened again and it truly pissed me off and I sat here and told him I do exactly what it is you want, but because you truly want physical intimacy you’re projecting that in the fact it seems like I’m not doing enough. He then has truly understood and he probably didn’t want to face it or acknowledge cause I don’t either LOL. I’d hate to say you have to sit down, be completely open, and explain that lack of sex drive at times exists, sometimes you don’t want to have sex, sometimes you don’t want to send nudes and explain why. The solution to that is to explain that when you feel that way, that’d you’d prefer to do other things depending what that is. It’s not that you DONT want to. It’s just that there are times where you’re not in the mood and that has to be respected. Otherwise it’ll give you resentment and you’ll lose your love for him. There’s a compromise that has to be made. Even in a ldr, there was a time my bf didn’t feel like having sex, when that small amount of time is the only time we can, and even though it sucked, what we did instead was cuddle! There’s other forms of intimacy to substitute when one partner is not in the mood! You just have to explain throughouly so he can understand how you feel because he may not! Sorry that was so long LOL
Jul 10 19
Don’t do things when you’re not in the mood. Don’t do it just to get over it. Sex drives go up and down and it’s totally normal. If he gets insecure because you’re not in the mood that’s his issue and up to him to solve. He can get himself off if he’s craving it. If he can’t respect you not being in the mood he’s not worth your time.

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