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Sep 29 22
Hi guys does anyone know any quick remedies for GERD? Really suffering with it atm waiting for appointment with gastroenterologist 🙄🙄
Sep 29 22
Sep 29 22
not sure where you’re from but there’s a type of reflux relief tablet you get that you can take but it’s not a permanent solution, also try drinking only water and very limited fizzy, caffeine. also if you get it while sleeping, try sleep on your side? it works for me but if not keep your head elevated as it stops it from travelling back up your throat (:
Sep 29 22
@Catbiscuits_ thank you !
Sep 30 22
Do you know what triggers your GERD?Basically have to avoid or limit foods or drinks that trigger. Avoid eating within 3 hours before going to sleep. If you eat don’t lay down on your bed. Fatty or fried foods can trigger. Alcohol, caffeine or carbonated drinks can be a trigger. Citrus, acidic foods can be a trigger. Tomato, chocolate, mint, garlic, onions, or spicy can be a trigger. Taking aspirin, ibuprofen, certain muscle relaxers, or blood pressure medications can be a trigger. You could try to take over the counter medicine that helps with acid reflux.

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