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Jul 27
Hello y’all! Have any one of you taken ESTRACEPTIN before? I went away and didn’t bring enough pills for my unexpected long trip. So I went to the pharmacy near my home to get this pill. Could I please get some review for this brand? Before I used Blisovi Fe 1/20. THANK YOU! 💊⚠️💊💊💊⚠️💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💤💤💤💤💤💤💤 Brand: Estraceptin 0.150mg Desogestrel 20mcg/10mcg Ethinal Estradiol
Jul 27
Blisovi is 1mg norethindrone acetate and 20 mcg ethinyl estradiol so Estraceptin is also a combined pill but with a different progresterone hormone, desogestrel instead of norethindrone acetate
Jul 27
Is it an Ok ones to take replacing Blisovi Fe for right now? I’m in a small country so this is the best I could find.
Jul 27
@nthha I mean it will protect you from pregnancy but no way to know how the different hormones will affect your body
Jul 27
That’s the part I’m worrying about. Thanks for your responses! @aURIELLE

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